Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Experience


Feel tired, confused, interrupted, depressed or seeking?

Join me for a mind-blowing journey of healing and love at the Deep Healing Experience with Lana Love!

This incredible experience is in person ONLY.

Location : Lakewood, OH, USA.

Duration : up to 6 hours (interview, session and integration)

Prepare to immerse yourself in a transformative experience that combines the power of healing with the boundless energy of love. Our expert hypnotist practitioner will guide you through a series of experiences designed to help you tap into your inner healing potential and unlock a deeper connection within.

From guided deep relaxation meditation to altered state - this energy healing technique is like none other offers a variety of insights to support your personal growth and well-being. Whether you're seeking physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, the Hypnotic Healing Experience with Lana Love has something for everyone.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your consciousness, release blockages, and experience the profound power of your higher-self.

Join me in person at Lakewood location, OH, USA, and embark on a journey towards self-discovery and healing.

Reserve your spot now!

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